Proof Aliens Exist in Rotterdam!

Tuesday February 21st 2017 by Peter Thomas Lang

From Saturday February 11 sunrise until Thursday February 16 midnight Peter Lang, professional alienist and – among many other publications – author of “the Lost Continents of Utopia”, will visit Rotterdam on a fact-finding mission on alien life-forms, alien cultures, and alienation in Rotterdam.
The Public is asked to bring proof of alien activities from around Rotterdam to the Evidence Room between February 11 and 16.
A special walk of discovery through Rotterdam Noord will be held on Sunday Februari 12 starting at 13.00 from Pieter de Raadtstraat 35.
Proofs will be presented at the De Stokerij on Thursday February 16, from 18:00 until midnight.
Also on the program: film Screening Monday February 13, 20:30: “Slaughterhouse 5,” 1972.
De Stokerij, Pieter de Raadtstraat 35, Rotterdam.

Proof Aliens Exist – Evidence Tour

Stay tuned, get involved.
All alien correspondence please use:

Learn the 3 steps to welcome Aliens:
1         Seek Artifactual Evidence
2         Encounter Local Aliens
3         Become Alienated!

 Alien talking Points:
·      alien body snatchers—disease
·      alien bodies—communists
·      alien blobs—Cold War
·      alien bodies—reproduction, transplants
·      alien intelligence— aliens are smarter
·      alien visits—welcoming centres
·      alien archaeology—new age
·      aliens as saviours—paternal maternal beings
·      aliens as spies and traitors to society
·      alien high tech
·      alien low tech
·      alien language

 Press Release:

Rotterdam January 24 2017 – Significant proof exists that aliens are already in contact with the local population, they contribute to our material world and they live prosperously among us. Though there are many earth citizens both here and abroad who continue to doubt aliens exist, there is increasing evidence that convincingly points to the contrary.
Aliens unquestionably exist, but most everyday people are too nervous or afraid to allow themselves to see what is standing right in front of them.
In fact, the more one is alienophobic, xenophobic, racist or elitist, the less chance one has to recognize the existence of the real aliens who move freely about us.

The best method to join the ranks of those who not only recognise aliens, but have made good friends with aliens and enjoy an excellent alien social life, is to follow the 3 Step welcoming procedure.
First, find objects, fragments, imprints, buildings and landscapes that appear to be alien, and bring them in to our state-of-the-art Evidence Room.
Second, make a gesture of friendship to someone around you, and you might discover he or she is actually an alien, and is happy to make friends with you.
And thirdly, become an alien yourself! (besides moving to another planet, you can move to another country, another city, another neighbourhood or another apartment, if even for just a day! Or don’t move, just hang out with an alien, and you will become verifiably “alienated.”)

Make your move! Join us in proving there are indeed aliens here and now in Rotterdam