
Welcome to Courseworks. Here you will find examples of student work, projects and workshops conducted in universities and institutions around the United States, Europe, and other global hotspots. Highlights will also include in the future lectures, presentations and discussions on the evolution of design education, as well as links to collaborations with other international institutions. Image: Zoom meeting for Marvels and Catastrophes. Photo: AD-Lab Workshop on CULTivate. NABA Rome.Photo PtL.
- e-(co)-mmunity SPRING ITALY 2009
by: Peter Thomas Lang
by: Peter Thomas Lang
- ARCH/urbanHISTORY/theory Fall 2011
by: Peter Thomas Lang
- NEW: Xtreme Habitats ARCH 607 FALL 11
by: Peter Thomas Lang
- Santa Chiara Center Design Studio Spring 2013
by: Peter Thomas Lang
- Urban Re Mix: Haunted by Shadows of the Future: ARTEFACTS
by: Peter Thomas Lang
- Take a Walk on the Wild Side: learning from the city and beyond
by: Peter Thomas Lang
- R-Lab: Architecture Design Media/ KKH Stockholm/ 2015-16
by: Peter Thomas Lang
- R-Lab: Architecture, Cities, Utopias!
by: Peter Thomas Lang
- R-Lab: Architecture, Artefacts and Signs
by: Peter Thomas Lang
- r-lab: archive a course archive and research platform
by: Peter Thomas Lang
Courseworks News:
- AD-Lab NABA: critical methods in visual thinking and creative research.
- NABA: Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Roma. The New Academy of Arts, Rome.
- Coming Soon in Rome: IED History as Theory and Practice: Urban Studies and Environmental Design
- R-Lab Archive: Where to find links to every R-Lab course
- from the Archive: Downtown Austin’s Arthouse: 25 October 2012
- The Architecture of Bogdan Bogdanovic and the Iconographic Resistance to Balkanisation
- Theory’s History Challenges in the historiography of architectural knowledge
- Urban Day December 6
- Stalker: Ground Walk, Vilnius
- Under Siege: Stories from Kurdistan in Rome/ 30 May, 17:00
External Links:
- ‘In Theory’ talk show
- ARCH/urbanHISTORY/Theory Fall 2010
- ARCH/urbanHISTORY/Theory Fall 2011
- ARCH/urbanHISTORY/theory Fall 2012
- ARCH/urbanHISTORY/Theory Spr 2011
- ARCH/urbanHISTORY/Theory Spr 2012
- crossXborderXprojeX: the Border Project Spring 406 2010
- crossXborderXprojeX: the Border Project Spring 406 2011
- R-otel: Refugee Camps and Refugee Housing Graduate Studio 607 Fall 2012
- Siena studio, NJIT 2010
- Siena Studio, NJIT 2011
- STUDIO College Station Ends 305 Spring 2012
- STUDIO ITALY Ends 301 Spring 2012
- Texas A&M College of Architecture
- The Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems, Austin
- The Puppet Home Project/ DESIGN FOUNDATIONS I – Fall 2010