Exhibtion Culture

Welcome to Exhibition Culture. Here you can find illustrated overviews on  any number of my  curatorial projects, including “Dante’s Gaze,” still ongoing, a project that is part of the  700 year Anniversary commemoration of the Sommo Poet’s life, supported by a grant from the National Committee for Dante 2021.  You can also get a closer look at “S-Space, the Mondial Festival ”  that I was invited to curate for the blockbuster show “Mashup, the Birth of Modernism,” that ran at  the Vancouver Art Gallery Foundation in 2015.  I have included exclusive documentation on the exhibition on the exhibition, produced by Emilio Ambasz for MoMA,   “Italy: the New Domestic Landscape”   in 1972.  Titled: “Environments Counter Environments, Experimental Media in Italy”  (co-curated together with Luca Molinari and Mark Wasiuta), the exhibition toured major cities in Europe and concluded at the Graham Foundation in Chicago.   Earlier curatorial projects include  “Superstudio: Life Without Objects,” co-curated with William Menking, as well as other programmed events, installations and creative contributions.   Illustration:  Installation sketch for the exhibition The Mimetic Observer, at the Palazzo Barberini. Rome, sketch by PtL.