Skyscraper Zoo, and Other Tall Stories/ from the PTL archives/


PTL skyscraper zoo, 7 april 1993, pencil, crayon and acrylic, with photo montage. on paper, 76 x 53 cm.


PTL  skyscraper zoo, 20 January 1996. pencil, crayon, acrylic on paper. 120 x 81 cm.


PTL skyscraper zoo, 6 January 1996. pencil, crayon, acrylic on paper. 120 x 81 cm.


PTL skyscraper zoo, estimated date: 1996. pencil, crayon, acrylic on paper. 120 x 73 cm.

PTL 1990 skyscraper zoo sxx

PTL skyscaper zoo, pencil, crayon, acrylic on plywood. 24 x 60  inches. estimated date: 1990.


The skyscraper zoo: and other tall stories, is a project from the archives dating roughly between 1985 to 1996. the works were never published. The concept evolved into a humanless zoo where each of the towers were negative voids, with no access to the public. They were imagined to be built in cities around the world and left empty, to allow nature: local animals, fauna and other living creatures to slowly overtake and develop into protected ecosystems. this was intended to forestall human damage to the environment and possibly aid in preventing extinction. MORE ON THE PROJECT WILL BE PRESENTED AS ARCHIVAL DOCUMENTS ARE RETRIEVED AND SCANNED AND PLACED ON THIS WEBSITE. PTL